
Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Challenge is On

I've been working diligently on the design for my Layers Tweets Challenge - it can be a frustrating process - arghhhh! I've been spending a lot of time sitting at my kitchen table drawing, and just as much time erasing. I do all my drawings freehand from my photos or from photo inspiration I find on-line. I never trace an image, other than when I work with portraits.

I'm happy to report that I'm sticking with my original concept - of course I can't tell you - that would spoil the reveal. I was afraid that once I started drawing I would lose my vision - it's a spacial thing for me - this 28 x 24 inch requirement is rectangular, only slightly so - it really feels very square to me. The drawing is nearly complete, still have a small section that needs "something" - not sure what that "something" will be

Thought I'd share this lovely photo from my garden of barren wort - these flowers are so delicate and small - you need to see them up close to appreciate their beauty. They are the loveliest yellow of yellows. Once the blossoms are spent the beautiful foliage is left to be appreciated all season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, I'd swear those flowers were fake. Very polite public complaining about the challenge! I"m trying to keep my thoughts just as

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