
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Let's start with paper - scissors - - - this is an amazing stop-frame animation using paper, created by Maurice Gee for Andersen M Studios titled Going West. It's scherenschnitte on steroids - be prepared to be thoroughly awed and entertained.

Rocks - oh, I've got rocks - in my head. Yesterday was a stunner - crisp, cool, invigorating. Off to Hawk Mountain - but not the easy route this visit.
Today we picked a relatively challenging trail at Hawk Mountain - River of Rocks - here at the start of the trail is a 700 foot steep descent.
Here's looking up at our descent - this trail demands intense concentration - you need to keep your head down at all times to watch where you're putting your foot - and this is nothing. . .
See this . . .This is the trail - notice the red trail makers on the tree - most of the trail is exactly this - 4 miles of this - not for the balanced challenged.
Why is it called River of Rocks??? Here it is - the river of rocks - a boulder field formed about 10000 years ago during the last ice age.
Here's my husband out in the middle of the boulders - he was like a little kid on those rocks!
The boulder field is massive.
We did see more than rocks - take a look at this log - if only I could have carried it out on my back - but, you saw the trail.
It was so interesting.
We were hoping to see some of autumn's technicolor color show - but it's a bit too early here in eastern Pennsylvania - and, after our very dry summer we're not expecting a grand display this year. This beautiful fungus added a lovely color accent.
Autumn leaves floating on sky reflecting pools of water.
A forest floor cathedral constructed out of a decaying tree stump - love the lighting in this photo.
What goes down must go up - a 700 foot descent means a 700 foot ascent - oh my aching thighs!
Every great hike ends with a great beer. Don't you love this tap pull - - -
Delaware's Dogfish Head beer - Analog Beer for the Digital Age - yum - we earned this!


Sujata Shah said...

Wow! What a treat to travel through your beautiful pictures! I also loved this last picture. It inspired me to make another circle/wheel quilt.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Diane Mina Weltman said...

The "Books Come to Life" video is incredible as is the rocky path you traveled on Saturday! Love all of it.


Anonymous said...

Rock photos reminded of places we hiked up on the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I was tired all over again!
Debbi Fair

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