
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Looking for Leprechauns

Happy St. Patty's Day one and all! I'm certain a leprechaun lives in this tree trunk. I love taking close up photos of nature - the colors of the moss and lichen, the play of the light - no wonder nature inspires so many quilters.

Look at the colors and flow of the growths on this bark - imagine what you could do with fabric in these colors...

You can't see these intricate detailings of nature when you are snapping a landscape shot - so much of the beauty is lost in space.

It's another world when you look at nature close up and personal. These photo's were taken on one of my many visits to Hawk Mountain located in Eckville, PA. I'm hoping to make a visit to Hawk Mountain this weekend - Spring buds are peeking up everywhere you look.

Exploring nature in the microcosm you feel as though you've entered a new world - textures and colors are magnified.

You lose your sense of reality - wait - is this the forest floor or fabric?

Does a leprechaun live here? Has this been created by nature or the skillful hand of the textile artist???

If leprechauns live here - they live in my fabric stash. In this case - the textile artist is to be complimented for taking us into the world of the leprechaun. This incredible fabric is from Northcott, Stonehenge, from the Sunshine Cottage collection - what I wouldn't do to own a piece of every fabric in this collection!

Look closely at the number of colors incorporated into the printing of this fabric - 15 separate color applications. The hand of this fabric is beautiful - sateen-like. Northcott produces one of the finest quilting fabrics on the market - the hand and colors are simply exquisite. It is my personal favorite.

I collect fabric that captures nature in it's simplest, suggestive form. Here are a few more examples from the stash, there are many more where these came from - - below, from left to right 1. Artisan's Palette by Ro Gregg for Northcott, 2. Textures by Van Osten for Andover, 3. Venetian Glass by Ro Gregg for Northcott, and 4. Basic Grey by moda. Are you detecting a Northcott theme with my stash?
I'm using a selection of these fabrics in a new piece I am working on with "my technique" - sorry can't share the finished pieces with you at this time. Hope you enjoyed your visit today to the enchanted world of leprechauns in the forest and in fabric.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L: very, very nice. makes me want to play with my camera! oh, and sew!! ck

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