
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dahlia Dreaming

The sign is up! An open invitation to neighbors from a fellow neighbor to visit Jim's dahlias - this is an invitation you don't pass up! For years we all wondered what was going on in his garden - at the height of dahlia blooming season his garden was shielded with rows of umbrellas - protecting the delicate blossoms from the sun to make them prize worthy. After years of building curiosity came the invite - wander on back and take a look at all of Jim's hard work - join me!

This post is all about the beauty of the dahlia which for years has been interpreted in quilts from the very traditional pattern to beautiful artistic interpretations as in this example from Sheri Wood as seen in the 2007 Houston Quilt Show.
I talked about Spirographic inspirations last week - and the dahlia is yet another Spirographic design - can you see it???

So sit back and enjoy these photos - the petal arrangement, the colors and the beauty; and if you feel so inspired, use them as inspiration for your quilting - I know Jim would be flattered. I don't know the names of the specific blossoms, sorry - all I know is they are really pretty!

Ahhhhh! All the beauty without the bugs and the heat! Thanks Jim!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

ahhh....they really ARE lovley aren't they? now I wish I had some in the house! (-:

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