
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lucky Clover!!!

I visited Clover Market in Ardmore (Pennsylvania - on the Main Line, outside of Philadelphia) today for the first time. It's billed as a vintage outdoor market featuring antiques and collectibles, as well as handmade goods and original art. There are two more more markets planned for the spring - May 1st and June 5th - - - clear your calendars - - - it's lots of fun, and very well attended!!!
My favorite find of the day ----- Kaye Rachelle Designs --- they make beautiful silk screened textiles including pillowcases, placemats, tea towels and totes.
Poppy and Bean is a lovely vintage retailer. I loved their up-cycled quilts and more, made with vintage linens.
These mobiles are so adorable and what a great use for yo-yo's!

Unfortunately I didn't get the information for this vendor - but I do love the dessert stands they made with these vintage plates and candle sticks; and aren't those door knob bottle stoppers great?

Here's some very quilt inspired art work from Lisa Kelley at Milkshake - click on the images to see the detail of her drawings - beautiful!
I did spot some quilted works from Brandeye - - - she had pillows and quilts.
All in all a fun day - - - if you have a chance to visit I think you'll enjoy it!


lisa {milkshake} said...

Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for your kind words about my work. It was nice to meet you today!

Candied Fabrics said...

I can't find your email address and I wanted to respond to your comment to my Sew Mama Sew post! Lisa – you’ve brought up a good point. It’s my most simple understanding that what makes the cotton organic is that it’s grown without toxic insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers and processed with only cornstarches and peroxides.
I think what you are referring to organic dyeing is more commonly termed “natural dyeing”, using pigments produced by plants and (non-human) animals to color cloth. Historically, some of those “natural” dye processes involved extremely toxic metal ions to link the pigment to the fiber. To color cloth anything but very subtle shades of grays and browns can also involve a LOT of plant/animal products. So this method has in the past been harmful and if we continued using these products grown “naturally” many species would be over-harvested (perhaps to extinction) – or we would all be wearing extremely dull colored clothing.
Hmm…perhaps this info needs to be in the introduction to my dyeing tutorial??? Let me continue my thoughts there!

brandeye said...

It was such a great day! I LOVE the clover market. Thanks for featuring my shop :-) Kaye Rachelle Designs was my favorite too!

SandyQuilts said...

You can make your own plates with candle stick holder .... we did. I used K6000 glue ... works like a charm.

Kaye Rachelle Designs said...

We're so honored! Thanks for all the compliments. See you again at Clover on May 1st!

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